
Welcome to Addengine

Welcome to Add Engine! This site will be all about advertising, marketing, and my small successes as an entrepreneur in the online market space!

To give you a little bit of a back story, I grew up not being able to eat candy. I know, Halloween was not very fun for me.

Suffice it to say, I found my ways around the rules, and would go down to the local corner store and buy bags of jawbreakers that I would bring to school hidden in my backpack. It didn’t take long for the other kids to wonder where I was getting these delicious candies, and, as it turns out, I lived near the only store in the whole area that sold them.

Kids then became curious, and one day someone offered me a dollar for one of my treats. I loved candy, but even at the tender age of 9 I knew that more money meant I could buy more sugar. I took the dollar and eventually began selling more jawbreakers. Within a week I was buying twice the amount of jawbreakers from the store than normal and selling every single one, bringing in a tidy profit (to buy Pokemon cards with).

I have been fascinated with business and marketing ever since, and have found my way to success in the online arena through a number of mediums I will discuss on this blog.

Hope you enjoy!